Thursday, May 27, 2010

II BSc computer Science practical list

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  1. An examination has been conducted to a class of 10 students and four scores of each student have been provided in the data along with register number, name. Write a PL/SQL code block to do the following:

Assign a letter grade to each student based on the average score in descending order of average score.

The Grading System:

Average Score Grade

90-100 A

75-89 B

60-74 C

50-59 D

0-49 F

The minimum pass for each subject is 50.

  1. Every morning a newspaper vendor gets newspapers in wholesale from a distributor for 60 paise. He sells them in retail for 75 paise. At the end of the day, the unsold papers are returned to the distributor for 30 paise rebate per paper. Write a PL/SQL code block to prepare a report for the newspaper vendor in the following format with 10 weeks data:

Week Bought Sold Return Profit Loss

1 60 30

2 75 62

.. .. ..

10 .. ..

  1. A salary statement contains Name, Basic Pay, Allowance, Total Deduction (includes IT), gross pay and net pay.

Allowance = 20% of Basic pay

Gross pay=Basic pay + Allowance

Deduction=10% of Basic pay

Income tax is calculated on the basis of Annual income under the following condition:

Annual Salary Income Tax

<=30000 Nil

>30000 but <55000 30% of excess over the amount Rs. 30000

>=55000 50% of excess over the amount Rs. 55000

Prepare a pay report of all employees using SQL reports.

  1. A sales file for a shop contains records with following fields: itemid, itemname, sales_price, quantity and total price. Write a PL/SQL procedure to generate sales report.
  2. Consider a hospital information system having the following details : Patient number, patient name, age, doctor, patient type(in/out), consultation charge, blood test charge, x ray charge, other test charges and total fee. Write a PL/SQL stored procedure to retrieve the following:

a) The patients undergone blood test.

b) The patients taken x rays

c) The patients who belong to in-patients category.

  1. Consider a railway system which has the following tables:

a) Passenger – To store passenger details.

b) Flight – To store flight details.

c) PassFlight – To store details regarding passengers traveling in a particular flight.

Write PL/SQL function to display:

a) The passengers name with seat number according to flight number wise.

b) Total number of married female candidates.

c) Male passengers in between ages 18 and 25.

  1. Create a library information system.
  2. Create a hotel bill calculating system.
  3. Create a hostel accounting system.
  4. Create an electricity billing system.

(Rent Rs.20/-)

Slab 1 1 – 40 units à 0

Slab 2 40 – 80 à 40/unit

Slab 3 > 80 à 1.40 + excess of 80


1. a) To find simple interest

b) To find the sum of n numbers using arrays.

2. Create a simple calculator.

3. Create a scientific calculator.

4. Sort a set of n numbers using Listbox.

5. OLE Container Control.

6. Simulate a standard windows colour box.

7. Stop watch application using timer.

8. Write a VB application using keyboard and form events.

9. Create a student information system using Data Control.

10. Design a web page to get biodata of a person.


1. To perform linear search and binary search.

2. Bubble sort.

3. Push and pop to stack.

4. Insertion and deletion to linear queue.

5. To create a linked list and insert and delete a node.

6. To perform pattern matching.

7. To implement towers of Hanoi.

8. To perform tree traversal using recursion.

9. To input a postfix expression and evaluate it.

10. To perform DFS.

11. Selection Sort.

12. Append 2 arrays.


1. To print prime numbers upto n.

2. To generate strange numbers upto n.

3. To add two amounts expressed in rupees and paise.

4. To convert time expressed in hours, minutes and seconds to seconds.

5. To find sum of two lengths expressed in feet and inches.

6. Base Conversion.

7. To concatenate two strings by overloading += operator.

8. To copy strings using pointers.

9. To read and display the publication details using inheritance.

10. To increment a value by overloading ++ operator (Prefix & Postfix).

11. Bookshop Inventory using classes.

12. To read and display student details using classes.


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